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Катедра Катедра за пројектовање и урбанизам

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Доктор и магистар техничких наука у области архитектуре и урбанизма

Ужа научна област

Архитектонско пројектовање и савремена архитектура

Датум избора у звање

01.10.2021. године

Предмети које наставник држи на основним, мастер и докторским студијама (по акредитацији из 2021. године)

Основне студије Архитектура:

Технике презентације 1 – Литерарне форме

Студио 3 – Архитектура

Студио 4 – Архитектура

Пројектовање 4 – Образовање и пословање

Зелена архитектура и урбанизам

Еколошки квалитет зграда

Мастер студије Архитектура:

Мастер студио – Пројекат

Мастер студио – радионица

Пејзажни урбанизам

Мастер рад – Теза и Мастер рад – Пројекат

Специјалистичке студије Одрживост и отпорност грађене средине:

Одрживост, отпорност и грађена средина

Процене одрживости и отпорности

Интегрисани студио

Специјалистички рад

Радови у часописима са SCI листе
  1. Lekić, Z.O., Nikolić, N., Folić, B., Vitošević, B., Mitrović, A., and Kosanović, S. (2022) COVID-19 and city space: Impact and perspectives. Sustainability, 14(3), 1885. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14031885
  2. Kosanović, S. and Fikfak, A. (2016) Development of criteria for ecological evaluation of private residential lots in urban areas, Energy and Buildings, 115 (2016), pp. 69-77, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.02.037
  3. Kosanović, S., Miletić, M., and Marković, Lj. (2021) Energy refurbishment of family houses in Serbia in line with the principles of circular economy. Sustainability, 13(10), 5463. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13105463
  4. Fikfak, A., Lavtižar, K., Grom, J.P., Kosanović, S. and Zbašnik-Senegačnik, M. (2020) Study of urban greenery models to prevent overheating of parked vehicles in P + R facilities in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Sustainability, 12(12), 5160. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12125160
  5. Kosanović, S., Folić, B., Kovačević, S., Nikolić, I. and Folić, L. (2019) A study on the sustainability of the traditional Sirinić houses in the Šar Mountain region, the South-Western Balkans. Sustainability 11(17), 4711. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11174711
  6. Stamenković, M.G., Miletić, M.J., Kosanović, S.M., Vučković, G.D. and Glišović, S.M. (2018) Impact of a building shape factor on space cooling energy performance in the green roof concept implementation. Thermal Science 22(1)(part B), 687-698. https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI170425205S
  7. Fikfak, A., Kosanović, S., Konjar, M., Grom, J. and Zbašnik-Senegačnik, M. (2017) The impact of morphological features on summer temperature variations on the example of two residential neighbourhoods in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Sustainability 9(1), 122. https://doi.org/10.3390/su9010122
  8. Fikfak, A., Spalević, V., Kosanović, S., Popović, S., Đurović, M. and Konjar, M. (2017) Land use development of vineyards areas in Goriška Brda, Slovenia. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 45(2), 611-622. DOI: 10.15835/nbha45210855. https://www.notulaebotanicae.ro/index.php/nbha/article/view/10855
  9. Spalević, V. Barović, G., Fikfak, A., Kosanović, S., Đurović, M. and Popović, S. (2016) Sediment yield and land use changes in the Northern Montengrin watersheds: Case study of Seocki Potok of the Polimlje Region. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 17(3), 990-1002 . http://www.jepe-journal.info/vol-17-no-3

Радови у часописима ван SCI листе
  1. Aleksić, J., Kosanović, S., Tomanović, D., Grbić, M. and Murgul, V. (2016) Housing and climate change-related disasters: a study on architectural typology and practice. Procedia Engineering 165, 869-875. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2016.11.786
  2. Kosanović, S., Fikfak, A. and Popović, G.S. (2016) Agrarian landscape between transition and sustainability – Gračanica area case study. Agriculture and
    Forestry/Poljoprivreda i šumarstvo 62 (2), 227-241. DOI:10.17707/AgricultForest.62.2.20, http://www.agricultforest.ac.me/paper.php?id=2578
  3. Fikfak, A., Kosanović, S., Crnič, M. and Perović, V. J. (2015) The contemporary model of prison architecture: Spatial response to the re-socialization programme, SPATIUM 34, 27-34, DOI 10.2298/SPAT1534027F, http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/1450-569X/2015/1450-569X1534027F.pdf
  4. Kosanović, S., Komatina, D., Nikčević, R., Murgul, V. and Vatin, N. (2015) Energy efficiency of single-family houses in Serbia and Montenegro: Strategy for upgrading the performance of existing stock. Applied Mechanics and Materials 725-726, 1486-1492. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.725-726.1486
  5. Fikfak, A., Popović, G. S. and Kosanović, S. (2015) Settlement patterns in an agrarian landscape – principles of classification in Goriška Brda, Slovenia. Agriculture and Forestry / Poljoprivreda i šumarstvo 61(4), 319-335. DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.61.4.38, http://www.agricultforest.ac.me/paper.php?id=2496
  6. Komatina, D., Paunović Žarić, S., Alihodžić Jašarović, E., Kosanović, S., Murgul, V. and Vatin, N. (2015) Climate changes in the light of relation between highly developed countries and the rest of the world. Applied Mechanics and Materials 725-726, 1530-1536. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net /AMM.725-726.1530
  7. Jovanović-Popović, M. and Kosanović, S. (2009) Selection of building materials based upon ecological characteristics: priorities in function of environmental
    protection, SPATIUM 20, 23-27. UDC 691:502.174. http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/1450-569X/2009/1450-569X0920023P.pdf
  8. Fikfak, A., Konjar, M., Grom, J.P., Kosanović, S. and Zbašnik-Senegačnik, M. (2019) Temperature comfort, recreation and historical features in open spaces; the Path of Remembrance and Comradeship (PATH) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Journal of Architectural Environment & Structural Engineering Research 2(3), 7-14. https://doi.org/10.30564/jaeser.v2i3.1291
  9. Kosanović, S., Folić, B., Lekić, O. and Fikfak, A. (2018) Designing the knowledge labs for sustainable built environment in the Western Balkans. Igra  Ustvarjalnosti - Creativity Game 6/2018, 74-81. https://dx.doi.org/10.15292/IU-CG.2018.06.074-081
  10. Komatina D., Kosanović S. and Aleksić J. (2016) Urban devastation: the case study of Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. Architecture and Urban Planning 12 (1), 52–58. https://doi.org/10.1515/aup-2016-0014
  11. Folić, B., Kosanović, S., Glažar, T. and Fikfak, A. (2016) Design-build concept in architectural education. Architecture and Urban Planning 11(1), 49-55.
  12. Aleksić, J., Kosanović, S., Komatina, D. and Vaništa Lazarević, E. (2015) Justification of the concept of mobile educational spaces: a study on typology and
    sustainability. Architecture and Urban Planning 10(1), 55-59. DOI:10.1515/aup-2015-0008
  13. Kosanović, S., Hildebrand, L., Stević, G. and Fikfak, A. (2015) Resilience of inland urban areas to disasters occurred due to extreme precipitations. Open Urban Studies and Demography Journal 1(Suppl 1-M5), 41-51. DOI: 10.2174/2352631901401010041. https://openurbanstudiesanddemographyjournal.com/VOLUME/1/PAGE/41/FULLTEXT/
  14. Komatina, D., Žarić, S.P., Jašarević, E.A., Kosanović, S. and Riabuhina, S.A. (2015) World ecological problems and their solutions by the sustainable architecture. Stroitel'stvo Unikal'nyh Zdanij i Sooruzenij, 4(31), 94-107. https://unistroy.spbstu.ru/
  15. Kosanović, S. and Jovanović-Popović, M. (2014) Ecological assessment of building materials in Serbia: constrains and possibilities. The New Arch 1(1), 51-58.DOI: 10.14621/tna.20140107. https://issuu.com/30393/docs/the_new_arch_vol1_no1__2014_
  16. Folić, B., Kosanović, S. and Glažar, T. (2014) Contemporary debates on the education of architects - selected examples, Architecture, Research, 2014/1, 5-14. UDK 72: 378.147. https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=79690&lang=eng
  17. Kosanović, S.and Folić, B. (2013) Green themes in architectural curriculum - scope and content. The Creativity Game – Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning, 1/2013, 60-67. DOI: 10.15292/IU-CG.2013.01.060-067, https://iu-cg.org/paper/2013/IU_st01_kosanovic.pdf
  18. Kosanović, S. (2011) Ocena ekološkog kvaliteta objekata za stanovanje – regulativa i praksa. Ecologica 18(62), 307-311. UDC: 504.75:728.2. http://www.ecologica.org.rs/

Радови са међународних конференција
  1. Folić, B., Vukmirović M., Kosanović, S. and Ivanović M. (2020) Sustainable transformation of historic transport corridor in the City of Belgrade, Serbia. In: A.
    Fikfak (ed.), Streets for 2030: Proposing streets for integrated and universal mobility-Book of Proceedings, Ljubljana, September 2020, 55-62. Ljubljana: Faculty of Architecture. ISBN 978-961-6390-58-3. https://cs4.uirs.si/portals/cs4/posters/CS4_2020_BOP.pdf
  2. Kosanović, S., Zbašnik-Senegačnik, M., Folić, L., Folić, B. and Fikfak, A. (2020) A discourse on the application of biological principles in building design. In:
    Proceedings from the International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV, 11-12.06.2020, Banja Luka, BiH, 215-223. Banja Luka: University of Banja Luka – Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy. DOI 10.7251/STP2014215K. https://doisrpska.nub.rs/index.php/STPG/article/view/6813
  3. Gadžić, N., Lekić, O., Popović, S.G. and Kosanović, S. (2018) Protection of built heritage in rural areas of Šar Mountain. In: V. Spalević (ed.), Book of Abstracts from International GEA (Geo Eco- Eco Agro) Conference, 1-3 November 2018, Podgorica, Montenegro – Green Room Sessions 2018, p. 151. Podgorica: University of Montenegro – Faculty of Philosophy. ISBN 978-86-7798-112-9. http://www.gea.ucg.ac.me/
  4. Lekić, O., Kosanović, S., Fikfak, A. and Stamenković, M. (2018) The aspect of health as a key indicator for rural sustainability. In: V. Spalević (ed.), Book of Abstracts from International GEA (Geo Eco- Eco Agro) Conference, 1-3 November 2018, Podgorica, Montenegro – Green Room Sessions 2018, p. 144. Podgorica: University of Montenegro – Faculty of Philosophy. ISBN 978-86-7798-112-9. http://www.gea.ucg.ac.me/
  5. Fikfak, A. and Kosanovic, S. (2016) Changes in urban morphology patterns: Cultural dynamics and connectivity. In: Book of Conference Proceedings from the 2nd City Streets Conference 2016 - Street-forming/re-forming - Transforming the 21st Century Streets, Faculty of Architecture, Art & Design at Notre Dame University - Louaize, 9-11 November 2016, pp. 248-260. ISSN 2519-1454. https://www.ndu.edu.lb/citystreet2016/
  6. Aleksić, J., Kosanović, S., Tomanović, D. and Grbić, M. (2016) Stanovanje u uslovima katastrofa izazvanih promenom klime. Zbornik radova: Šesti  internacionalni naučno-stručni skup "Građevinarstvo - nauka i praksa" - GNP2016, 7-11. mart 2016, Žabljak, Crna Gora, pp. 593-600. Podgorica: Univerzitet Crne Gore – Građevinski fakultet. ISBN 978-86-82707-30-1. https://www.gnp.ucg.ac.me/
  7. Jovanović-Popović, M., Kosanović, S. and Stanković, B. (2015) Metodologija procene kvaliteta zgrada na primeru kolektivnog stanovanja u Srbiji. In: M. Aćić, Zbornik radova: 11. Međunarodni naučno-stručni skup "Savremena teorija i praksa u graditeljstvu", Banja Luka, 14-15 maj 2015, pp. 409-416. Banja Luka: Zavod za izgradnju a.d. i Arhitektonsko-građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Banjaluci. https://www.unibl.org/
  8. Kosanović, S., Fikfak, A. and Grbić, M. (2015) Building materials and human health: designers' perspective. In: A. Fikfak et al. (eds.), Book of Conference Proceedings from the 2nd International Academic Conference Places and Technologies 2015 - Keeping Up With Technologies to Make Healthy Places, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, 18-19.06.2015, pp. 74-79. Ljubljana: Faculty of Architecture. ISBN 978-961-6823-68-5. https://www.placesandtechnologies.eu/pt2015/
  9. Kosanović, S., Vaništa Lazarević, E. and Timotijević, S. (2015) Towards a new understanding of healthy place. In: A. Fikfak et al. (eds.), Book of Conference
    Proceedings from the 2nd International Academic Conference Places and Technologies 2015 - Keeping Up With Technologies to Make Healthy Places, Nova
    Gorica, Slovenia, 18-19.06.2015. pp. 80-85. Ljubljana: Faculty of Architecture. ISBN 978-961-6823-68-5. https://www.placesandtechnologies.eu/pt2015/
  10. Čok, G., Kosanović, S. and Fikfak, A. (2015) Facade envelope and sustainable building design principles. In: M. Stanković, N. Memić, N. Novaković and M. Mišić (eds.), Book of Proceedings from the scientific and technical conference with international participation SFERA 2015: Design and technologies of architectural openings, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 12-13.11.2015. pp. 34-38. Mostar: Agency for marketing and publishing SFERA Mostar, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy.
  11. Aleksić, J., Grbić, M., Kosanović, S. and Tomanović, D. (2015) Mobilna arhitektura: utopija, avangarda ili realnost novog doba. In: Zbornik radova „Planiranje,
    projektovanje, građenje i obnova graditeljstva”, 13. Međunarodna naučna konferencija iNDiS 2015, 25-27.11.2015. str. 288- 297. Novi Sad: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu – FTN. ISBN 978-86-7892-749-2. http://www.ftn.uns.ac.rs/1075553163/konferencije
  12. Grbić, M., Aleksić, J., Tomanović, D. and Kosanović, S. (2015) Posledice neprilagođenosti novih DUP-ova postojećem stanju na primerima naselja Novog Sada. In: Zbornik radova „Planiranje, projektovanje, građenje i obnova graditeljstva”, 13. Međunarodna naučna konferencija iNDiS 2015, 25–27.11.2015. str. 298- 305. Novi Sad: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu – FTN. ISBN 978-86-7892-749-2. http://www.ftn.uns.ac.rs/1075553163/konferencije
  13. Folić, B., Kosanović, S., Glažar, T. and Fikfak, A. (2014) Design-build concept in architectural education. Programme of the 55th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University, 14-16 October 2014, Riga, Latvia. p. 120. Riga Technical University. ISBN 978-9934-10-607-1. https://www.rtu.lv/en
  14. Kosanović, S. and Arsić, N. (2014) Ispitivanje energetske efikasnosti u modelu za sveobuhvatnu ocenu ekološke ispravnosti zgrada. In: Zbornik radova sa Petog internacionalnog naučno-stručnog skupa "Građevinarstvo – nauka i praksa" – GNP2014, 17-21.02.2014, Žabljak, Crna Gora. pp. 1617-1624. Podgorica: Univerzitet Crne Gore – Građevinski fakultet. ISBN 978-86-82707-23-3. https://www.gnp.ucg.ac.me/
  15. Kosanović, S. and Jovanović Popović, M. (2014) Ecological assessment of building materials in Serbia: Constrains and possibilities. Proceedings of the International Conference with exhibition "Sustainable Architecture"- S.ARCH, 14-15 May 2014, Belgrade, Serbia. pp. 253-262. Erlangen: Get It Published. ISBN 978-3-9816624-1-2. https://www.s-arch.net/
  16. Kosanović, S. and Folić, B. (2014) Reviewing the sustainability in students' design work. In: A. Fikfak (ed.) Book of Proceedings of Scientific Meeting on the topic of Urbanism "SMART URBANISM" - Teaching Sustainability, Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, 19-21.06.2014. pp. 117-126. Ljubljana: Faculty of Architecture. ISBN 978-961-6823-52-4. https://www.uni-lj.si/
  17. Kosanović, S., Jovanović-Popović, M. and Stanković, B. (2014) Assessment of multi-family residential buildings in Serbia: A proposal for system development. Proceedings of the World Sustainable Building Conference-WSB2014, Barcelona, Spain, 28-30 October 2014. Volume 5, pp. 209-215. Publisher: Green Building Council España (GBCe). ISBN: 978-84-697-1815-5. http://www.wsb14barcelona.org/
  18. Folić, B. and Kosanović, S. (2013) Contemporary debates on architectural education, In: A. Fikfak (ed.), Man and Space – Book of Abstracts, The 1st Slovenian Conference of Medicine, Architecture and Urban Design, Goriška Brda, Slovenia, 11-12 October 2013. p. 31. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za arhitekturo. ISBN 978-961-6823-37-1. https://www.uni-lj.si/
  19. Kosanović, S. (2011) Assessment of environmental quality of residential buildings - regulation and practice. In: L. Jovanović (ed.) Book of Abstracts from the International Scientific Conference on Sustainable Development in the Function of Environmental Protection, Belgrade, 18-20 April 2011. p. 147. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije Ecologica. ISBN 978-86-904721-8-5. http://www.ecologica.org.rs/
  20. Kosanović, S. i Glumac, B. (2009) Arhitektonske mere za redukciju negativnih uticaja građevinskih materijala na životnu sredinu. In: Zbornik radova: 2. međunarodni simpozijum Zaštita životne sredine u industrijskim područjima, 28-29. april 2009, Kosovska Mitrovica. str. 333-339. Kosovska Mitrovica: Fakultet tehničkih nauka. ISBN 978-86-80893-23-5.
  21. Jovanović-Popović, M., Samardžić, S., Kosanović, S. i Marković, B. (2008) Unapređenje energetske efikasnosti gradova/zgrada kroz proces energetske
    sertifikacije. In: Tematski zbornik radova (drugi deo): Međunarodni naučni skup Održivi prostorni razvoj gradova, Beograd, 26. januar 2008. str. 229-240. Beograd: Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije. ISBN 978-86-80329-52-9. http://www.iaus.ac.rs/code/navigate.aspx?Id=229

Радови са домаћих конференција


Књиге и монографије
  1. Косановић, С. (2009) Еколошки исправне зграде увод у планирање и пројектовање. Београд: Задужбина Андрејевић. ISBN 978-86-7244-831-3.
  2. Kosanović, S., Fikfak, A., Novaković, N. & Klein, T. (Eds-in-Chief) (2018) Reviews of Sustainability and Resilience of the Built Environment for Education, Research and Design. Delft, NL: TU Delft Open. https://books.bk.tudelft.nl/index.php/press/catalog/series/KLABS
  3. Fikfak, A., Kosanović, S., Konjar, M. & Anguillari, E. (Eds.) (2018) Sustainability and Resilience: Socio-spatial Perspective. Delft, NL: TU Delft Open. ISBN 978-94-6366-030-3. https://books.bk.tudelft.nl/press/catalog/view/isbn.9789463660303/726/608-2.
  4. Kosanović, S., Klein,T., Konstantinou, T., Radivojević, A. & Hildebrand, L. (Eds.) (2018) Sustainable and Resilient Building Design: Approaches, Methods and Tools. Delft, NL: TU Delft Open. ISBN 978-94-6366-032-7. https://books.bk.tudelft.nl/press/catalog/view/isbn.9789463660327/730/612-2
  5. Kosanović, S., Novaković, N. i Fikfak, A. (Eds.) (2018) Pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine. Delft, NL: TU Delft Open. ISBN 978-94-6366-0884.

    Поглавља у међународној монографији:

  6. Kosanović, S., Glažar, T., Stamenković, M., Folić, B. & Fikfak, A. (2018) About Socio-Cultural Sustainability and Resilience. In: Fikfak, A., Kosanović, S., Konjar, M. & Anguillari, E. (Eds.), Sustainability and Resilience: Socio-spatial Perspective. Delft, NL: TU Delft Open, pp. 89-102. ISBN 978-94-6366-030-3.
  7. Konjar, M., Kosanović, S., Popović, S.G. & Fikfak, A. (2018) Urban/Rural Dichotomy and the Forms-In-Between. In: Fikfak, A., Kosanović, S., Konjar, M. &
    Anguillari, E. (Eds.), Sustainability and Resilience: Socio-spatial Perspective. Delft, NL: TU Delft Open, pp. 149-170. ISBN 978-94-6366-030-3.
  8. Hildebrand, L., Konstantinou, T., Kosanović, S., Klein, T. & Knaack, U. (2018) Origin and Development of Environmental Design. In: Kosanović, S., Klein T.,
    Konstantinou, T., Radivojević, A., & Hildebrand, L. (Eds), Sustainable and Resilient Building Design: Approaches, Methods and Tools. Delft, NL: TU Delft Open, pp. 17-36. ISBN 978-94-6366-032-7. https://books.bk.tudelft.nl/press/catalog/view/isbn.9789463660327/730/612-2
  9. Kosanović, S., Folić, B. & Radivojević, A. (2018) Approach to Design for Resilience to Climate Change. In: Kosanović, S., Klein T., Konstantinou, T., Radivojević, A., & Hildebrand, L. (Eds), Sustainable and Resilient Building Design: Approaches, Methods and Tools. Delft, NL: TU Delft Open, pp. 37-48. ISBN 978-94-6366-032-7. https://books.bk.tudelft.nl/press/catalog/view/isbn.9789463660327/730/612-2
  10. Kosanović, S., Fikfak, A. & Folić, B. (2018) Sustainability and Resilience: (In)Consistencies in Two Design Realms. In: Kosanović, S., Klein T., Konstantinou,
    T., Radivojević, A., & Hildebrand, L. (Eds), Sustainable and Resilient Building Design: Approaches, Methods and Tools. Delft, NL: TU Delft Open, pp. 67-82. ISBN 978-94-6366-032-7. https://books.bk.tudelft.nl/press/catalog/view/isbn.9789463660327/730/612-2
  11. Klein, M., Osterhage, T., Muller, D., Kosanović, S. & Hildebrand, L. (2018) Building Certification Systems and Processes. In: Kosanović, S., Klein T., Konstantinou, T., Radivojević, A., & Hildebrand, L. (Eds), Sustainable and Resilient Building Design: Approaches, Methods and Tools. Delft, NL: TU Delft Open, pp. 83-98. ISBN 978-94-6366-032-7. https://books.bk.tudelft.nl/press/catalog/view/isbn.9789463660327/730/612-2
  12. Stamenković, M., Zappulla, C. & Kosanović, S. (2018) Biological Entities and Regeneration by Design. In: Kosanović, S., Klein T., Konstantinou, T., Radivojević, A., & Hildebrand, L. (Eds), Sustainable and Resilient Building Design: Approaches, Methods and Tools. Delft, NL: TU Delft Open, pp. 249-272. ISBN 978-94-6366-032-7. https://books.bk.tudelft.nl/press/catalog/view/isbn.9789463660327/730/612-2

Национални пројекти
  1. Учесник у научноистраживачком пројекту Министарства просвете, науке и технолошког развоја "Истраживање и систематизација стамбене изградње у Србији у контексту глобализације и европских интеграција, у циљу унапређења квалитета и стандарда становања", бр. ТР36034 (2011-2016)
  2. Учесник у пројекту Министарства просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије „Управљање ризицима од катастрофа“ (у оквиру програмске активности 0014 – Развој високог образовања, уговор бр. 612-00-01968/2017-06 од 30.11.2017.)

Међународни пројекти
  1. Аутор и руководилац Еразмус+ пројекта Европске комисије Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments – KLABS (561675-EPP-1-2015-1-XK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) (2015-2018), https://klabs.pr.ac.rs/
  2. Руководилац у оквиру установе Темпус пројекта Европске комисије Restructuring of Study Programme in Architecture to Long-cycle Integrated Master in
    line with EU standards – RESARCH (530440-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-XM-TEMPUS-JPCR) (2012-2016), https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/530440-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-ME-TEMPUS-JPCR
  3. Учесник међународног Еразмус+ пројекта Европске Комисије Improving the Process of Education through the Development of E-learning Multimedia Platform and Smart Classrooms – SMARTEL (618534-EPP-1-2020-1-XK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) (2020-2023), https://smartel.pr.ac.rs/
  4. Учесник међународног Еразмус+ пројекта Европске Комисије Strengthening of Master Curricula in Water Resources Management for the Western Balkans HEIs and Stakeholders – SWARM (597888-EPP-1-2018-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) (2018-2021), http://www.swarm.ni.ac.rs/
  5. Учесник међународног Еразмус+ пројекта Европске Комисије Development of Master Curricula for Natural Disasters Risk Management in Western Balkan Countries – NatRisk (573806-EPP-1-2016-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) (2016-2019), http://natrisk.ni.ac.rs/
  6. Учесник међународног Темпус пројекта Европске Комисије Development of Training Network for Improving Education in Energy Saving – ENERGY (530379-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-LV-TEMPUS-JP ) (2012-2015), https://e-energy.rtu.lv/