Књаза Милоша бр. 7, 38220 Косовска Митровица, Србија

др Милош Банђур

др Милош Банђур

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+381 28 425 320
ул. Књаза Милоша бр. 7, 38220 Косовска Митровица
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Научни радови
Banđur, M., Mihajlo Stefanović, , Nikola Sekulović, , Milan Gligorijević, , Petar Spalević, , & Zoran Popović, . (2011). Statistics of signal envelope in composite multipath fading/shadowing microcellular environment, Technics technologies education management. Technics Technologies Education Management / TTEM, 6(4), 1147–1151. DRUNPP, Sarajevo.
M. Stefanović, , Sekulović, N., Gligorijević, M., Banđur, M., Spalević, P., & Z. Popović, . (2011). Statistics of Signal Envelope in Composite Multipath Fading/Shadowing Microcellular Environment. TTEM - Technics Technologies Education Management, 6(4), 1147–1151. DRUNPP.
Perić, M., Aleksić, S., Ilić, S., & Banđur, M. V. (2013). Mutual influence of power lines with sagging conductors. Elektrotechnika & Elektronica, 48(5-6), 91–96. Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications (CEEC), Sofia, Bulgaria.
Sekulović, N. M., Panajotović, A., Banđur, M., Banđur, Đ., & Milović, D. (2018). Channel Prediction in Wireless Microcell and Picocell Systems Using Echo State Network. American Journal of Engineering Research, 7(12), 134–138.
Banđur, Đ., Jakšić, B., Banđur, M., & Jović, S. (2019). An analysis of energy efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) applied in smart agriculture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 156, 500–507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2018.12.016
Banđur, M., Đoko Banđur, , & Mihajlo Stefanović, . (2010). A new approach to bivariate Hoyt distribution and its application in performance analysis of dual-diversity receivers Wireless Personal Communications, Springer. Springer.
Banđur, Đ., Banđur, M., & Stefanovic, M. C. (2010). A New Approach to Bivariate Hoyt Distribution and its Application in Performance Analysis of Dual-Diversity Receivers. Wireless Personal Communications, 63(3), 601–612. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-010-0153-y
Popović, B., Banđur, M. V., & Raičević, A. M. (2010). Robust enhancement of fingerprint images obtained by ink method [Inst Engineering Technology-Iet, Hertford]. Electronics Letters, 46(20), 1379–1379. https://doi.org/10.1049/el.2010.1821
Popović, B., Banđur, M., & Raičević, A. (2011). Robust fingerprint enhancement by directional filtering in fourier domain. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, 107(1), 37–40. Kaunas : Kaunas University of Technology = Kauno : Kauno Technologijos Universitetas.
Banđur, M. (2013). Second-Order Statistics of System with Microdiversity and Macrodiversity Reception in Gamma-Shadowed Rician Fading Channels. E T R I JOURNAL, 35(4), 722–725. https://doi.org/10.4218/etrij.13.0212.0370
Vuković, I., Kuk, K., Čisar, P., Banđur, M., Banđur, Đ., Milić, N., & Popović, B. (2021). Multi-Agent System Observer: Intelligent Support for Engaged E-Learning [Basel : MDPI]. Electronics, 10(12), 1370–1370. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10121370
Jaksic, B. S., Todorovic, J. M., Jovanovic, M., Bandjur, M. V., & Bandjur, D. V. (2023). Impacts of Diversity Technique Application in Order to Reduce the Fading in IEEE 802.15.4 Networks. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 13(17), 9775–9775. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13179775
Banđur, M., & Banđur, Đ. (2012). Performance Analysis of SSC Diversity Receiver over Correlated Hoyt Fading Channels. Radioengineering, 21(1), 110–114. Brno University of Technology.
Banđur, M., & Banđur Đoko, . (2012). Performance Analysis of SSC Diversity Receiver over Correlated Hoyt Fading Channels, RADIOENGINEERING. Radioengineering, 21(1), 110–114. Brno University of Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication.
Banđur, M., Edis Mekić, , Nikola Sekulović, , Mihajlo Stefanović, , & Petar Spalević, . (2012). The distribution of ratio of random variable and product of two random variables and its application in performance analysis of multi-hop relaying communications over fading channels. Electrical Review (Przeglad Elektrotechniczny), 88(7A), 133–137. Wydawnictwo SIGMA-NOT Sp. zoo.
Banđur, Đ. V., Jakšić, B. S., Panić, S. R., Banđur, M. V., A. Matović, , & Mekić, E. S. (2017). Transmission over kappa-mu Fading channels with Gamma distributed random Line-of-sight components. Revue Roumaine Des Sciences Techniques. Ser. Electrotechnique Et Energetique, 62(2), 179–184. Romanian Academy, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy.
Sekulović, N., Panajotović, A., Drača, D., Stefanović, M., & Banđur, M. (2017). Investigation into diversity order at micro and/or macro level in gamma shadowed Nakagami-m fading channels. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 31(3), e2288–e2288. https://doi.org/10.1002/jnm.2288
Panajotović, A., Sekulović, N., Banđur, M., & Stefanovic, M. C. (2017). Second-Order Measures of Performance of Dual SC Macro-Diversity System with Unbalanced BSs Exposed to CCI in Composite Fading Channels. IETE Journal of Research, 64(5), 702–708. https://doi.org/10.1080/03772063.2017.1369368
Milošević, N., Stefanović, Č., Nikolić, Z., Bandjur, M., & Stefanović, M. (2018). First- and Second-Order Statistics of Interference-Limited Mobile-to-Mobile Weibull Fading Channel. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 27(11), 1850168–1850168. https://doi.org/10.1142/s0218126618501682
Banđur, Đ., Jakšić, B., Raičević, A., Popović, B., & Banđur, M. (2020). Performance Analysis of an IEEE 802.15.4 Network Operating Under κ–μ Fading, Interference and AWGN. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, 44(4), 1549–1557. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40998-020-00329-1
Jaksic, B. S., Todorovic, J. M., Bandjur, D. V., Gvozdic, B. D., & Bandjur, M. V. (2021). Outage Performance of Macrodiversity Reception in the Presence Rayleigh Short-Term Fading and Co-channel Interference. ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, 18(7), 171–186.
Vukovic, I., Čisar, P., Kuk, K., Bandjur, M., & Popovic, B. (2021). Influence of Image Enhancement Techniques on Effectiveness of Unconstrained Face Detection and Identification [Kauno Technologijos Universitetas (Kaunas University of Technology)]. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, 27(5), 49–58. https://doi.org/10.5755/j02.eie.29081
Banđur, M., Radenković, D., Milenković, V., Suljevic, S., & Đošić, D. (2014). Second order statistics of SC receiver over k-μ multipath fading channel. Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 11(3), 391–401. https://doi.org/10.2298/sjee140303028b
Đošić, D., Milošević, N., Nikolić, Z., Dimitrijević, B., Banđur, M., & Stefanović, M. (2017). STATISTICS OF SIGNAL TO INTERFERENCE RATIO PROCESS AT OUTPUT OF MOBILE-TO-MOBILE RAYLEIGH FADING CHANNEL IN THE PRESENCE OF COCHANNEL INTERFERENCE. Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, 16(2), 185–185. https://doi.org/10.22190/fuacr1702185d
Todorovic, J., Jaksic, B., Spalevic, P., Banđur, Đ., & Banđur, M. (2020). Analysis of signal quality in FSO systems with PolSK modulation. Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 17(2), 171–186. https://doi.org/10.2298/sjee2002171t
Banđur, Đ., Jakšić, B., & Banđur, M. (2017). α-Q fading model: Statistical analisis of the first order. Tehnika, 72(1), 77–81. https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika1701077b
Krstić, V., Dimitrijević, B., & Banđur, M. (2016). Maximum entropy whitening algorithm with adaptive neuron slope for blind DFE. Telfor Journal, 8(1), 2–7. https://doi.org/10.5937/telfor1601002k

Конференцијски радови
Popović, B., Ranđelović, D. M., & Banđur, M. V. (2010). Izazovi vezani za privatnost i bezbednost prilikom upotrebe biometrike. Zbornik Radova Na CD, Savetovanje ZITEH 10 – Zloupotreba Informacionih Tehnologija I Zaštita. Udruženje sudskih veštaka za IT tehnologije, Beograd.
Sekulović, N., Krstić, D., Mekić, E., Banđur, M., & Stefanović, M. (2011). Effect of macrodiversity on outage probability and average channel capacity in composite Nakagami-gamma environment. 2011 10th International Conference on Telecommunication in Modern Satellite Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS). https://doi.org/10.1109/telsks.2011.6143244
Popović, B., Banđur, M. V., Raičević, A. M., & Ranđelović, D. (2012). Different methods for fingerprint image orientation estimation [IEEE, New York]. 2012 20th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR). https://doi.org/10.1109/TELFOR.2012.6419297
Banđur, M., Brankica M Popović, , & Dragan Ranđelović, . (2012). The future of biometrics technology in law enforcement agencies. SECURITY AND EUROATLANTIC PERSPECTIVES OF THE BALKANS, Police Science and Police Profession (States and Perspectives), 1(1), 588–605. Government of Republic of Macedonia.
Banđur, M., Popović, B., Raičević, A., & Ranđelović, D. (2013). Improving minutiae extraction in fingerprint images through robust enhancement [Belgrade : Telecommunications Society : Academic Mind]. TELFOR 2013 [Elektronski Izvor] : Proceedings of Papers / 21st Telecommunications Forum - TELFOR, Belgrade, Serbia, November, 26-28, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1109/TELFOR.2013.6716277
Banđur, M., Mirjana T. Perić, , Slavoljub R. Aleksić, , & Saša S. Ilić, . (2013). Mutual infuence of power lines with sagging conductors. International Joint Bulgarian-Korean Symposium on Practical Energy Problems and Trends in Efficient Technologies PEP TET, 1(1), 91–96. Union Of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication in Bulgaria (CEEC).
Banđur, M., A. Golubović, , & Č. Stefanović, . (2013). Channel capacity of selection diversity based on desired signal algorithm over correlated Weibull fading channels. 11th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics - PEC 2013, 1(1), 129–130. University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia, Ilmenau University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Germany.
Banđur, M., Mirjana Perić, , Slavoljub Aleksić, , & Saša Ilić, . (2013). Mutual infuence of power lines with sagging conductors, International Joint Bulgarian-Korean Symposium on Practical Energy Problems and Trends in Efficient Technologies PEP TET 2013. Bugarska.
Banđur, M., Spalević, P., Jaksic, B. S., Markovic, A. V., & Smilic, M. M. (2013). Computer Simulation of Soliton Pulses Propagation through Birefringent Fiber in the Linear and Nonlinear Mode. 11th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services – TELSIKS 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-0899-8, Pp. 639-642, Niš, Serbia, 16th-19th October. https://doi.org/10.1109/telsks.2013.6704459
Banđur, M. V., Spalević, P. Lj., Jakšić, B., Marković, A. V., & Smilić, M. M. (2013). Computer Simulation of Soliton Pulses Propagation through Birefringent Fiber in the Linear and Nonlinear Mode. 2013 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS IN MODERN SATELLITE, CABLE AND BROADCASTING SERVICES (TELSIKS), VOLS 1 AND 2, 2, 639–642. Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš, Srbija.
Banđur, M., Spalević, P., Jovković, S., Đošić, D., Petrović, M., & S. Maricic, . (2013). Second order statiscs of MRC receiver over K-μ fading channels. International Scientific Conference UNITECH’2013, 1(1), 131–135. Technical University of Gabrovo, Bulgaria.
Banđur, M., Brankica M. Popović, , & Anđelija Raičević, . (2013). Fingerprint image enhancement via robust orientation field estimation. Međunarodni Naučni Skup Dani Arčibalda Rajsa, 3(1), 47–58. Kriminalističko-policijska akademija, Serbia.
Banđur, M. V., Banđur, Đ. V., & Popović, B. (2013). Outage probability analysis in shadowed fading channel with multiple cochannel interferencesac [IEEE, New York]. 2013 21st Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR). https://doi.org/10.1109/TELFOR.2013.6716230
Banđur, M. V., Jovković, S. M., Đošić, D. B., Petrović, M., Spalević, P. Lj., & S Maričić, . (2013). Second order statistics of MRC receiver over k-µ fading channels. International Scientific Conference Unitech 2013, 22-23 Novembar 2013, Gabrovo. Techničeski Universitet, Bulgaria, Bugarska.
Banđur, M., Vladimir R. Krstić, , & Bojan R. Dimitrijević, . (2015). A Stochastic Whitening Algorithm with Time Variable Neuron Slope for Blind DFE. Telfor: 2015 23rd Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2015), 1(1), 253–256. Telecommunications Society, Serbia.
Brankica Popović, , Banđur, M., & Đoko Banđur, . (2015). Privacy enhancing technologies. Dani Arčibalda Rajsa : Međunarodni Naučni Skup, Beograd, 3-4. Mart 2015., Tematski Zbornik Radova Međunarodnog Značaja. T. 3 = Archibald Reiss Days : International Scientific Conference, Belgrade, 3-4 March 2015, Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance. Vol. 3, 3, 213–222. Belgrade : Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies = Beograd : Kriminalističko-policijska akademija.
Nikolić, Z., Dimitrijević, B., Milošević, N., & Banđur, M. (2016). Poboljšanje performansi OFDM sistema u prisustvu frekvencijskog ofseta nosioca. POSTEL 2016. Saobraćajni fakultet, Beograd, Srbija.
H. Stefanović, , A. Miletić, , Milić, D. N., Nikolić, Z. B., & Banđur, M. V. (2017). Implementacija algoritma za izdvajanje obeležja registarskih tablica u MATLAB programskom okruženju. INFOTEH 2017, Proceedings of Papers, 16, 597–602. Jahorina, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina.

Књиге и монографије
Popović, B., Ranđelović, D., & Banđur, M. V. (2011). Law Enforcement and New Technology. International Scientific Conference ,,Archibald Reis Days“, Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance, 1, 359–368. Kriminalističko-policijska akademija, Beograd.
Popović, B., Banđur, M. V., & Raičević, A. M. (2013). Fingerprint image enhancement via robust orientation field estimation. Tematski Zbornik Radova Međunarodnog Značaja, Međunarodni Naučni Skup Dani Arčibalda Rajsa, 3, 47–58. Kriminalističko policjska akademija.
Banđur, M., Brankica M. Popović, , & Anđelija Raičević, . (2014). SECURITY CHALLENGES OF MODERN TECHNOLOGIES UTILIZATION. Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance, International Scientific Conference ‘Archibald Reiss Days’, 3-4 Mart 2014, Beograd, I, 2014, 95–105. Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies and German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ).

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