Књаза Милоша бр. 7, 38220 Косовска Митровица, Србија

др Јелена Ђокић

др Јелена Ђокић

редовни професор
+381 28 425 320
ул. Књаза Милоша бр. 7, 38220 Косовска Митровица
Катедра Катедра за заштиту животне средине и заштиту на раду

Стручни назив

Доктор наука - техничко-технолошке науке

Ужа научна област

Инжењерство заштите животне средине и заштите на раду

Датум избора у звање


Предмети које наставник држи на основним, мастер и докторским студијама (по акредитацији из 2021. године)


Радови у часописима са SCI листе
  1. Jasmina Dedic, Jelena Djokic, Jovana Galjak, Gordana Milentijevic, Dragan Lazarevic, Živče Šarkočević, Milena Lekic. An Experimental Investigation of the Environmental Risk of a Metallurgical Waste Deposit. Minerals 2022; 12(6):661.DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/min12060661
  1. Premović, D. Minić, D. Manasijević, D. Živković, J. Djokić,Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the Ag–Sb–Zn phase diagram, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 548, pp. 249 - 256, 10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.09.030, 2013
  2. Dusko Minić, Dragan Manasijević, Jelena Đokić, Nadežda Talijan, Dragana Živković, Phase transformation in the ternary Ag-Ga-Sb system, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 134 (2012), 287-293
  3. Minic Dusko, Djokic Jelena, Manasijevic Dragan, Cikara Dejan, Zivkovic Dragana, Talijan Nadezda, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculation of phase equilibria in the In-Sb-Zn ternary system, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, (2010), vol. 45 br. 24, str. 6634-6642 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
  4. Minic Dusko, Djokic Jelena,Cosovic Vladan, Stajic-Trosic Jasna, Zivkovic Dragana, Dervisevic Irma Investigation and thermodynamic prediction of the Bi-Sb-Zn phase diagram, MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, (2010), vol. 122 br. 1, str. 108-113
  5. Dervisevic Irma, Todorovic Andreja, Talijan Nadezda, Djokic Jelena, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculation of the Ga-Sb-Zn phase diagram, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, (2010), vol. 45 br. 10, str. 2725-2731 begin_of_the_skype_highlightin
  6. Jovana Galjak, Jelena Đokić, Gordana Milentijević, Irma Dervišević, Srđan Jović. Characterization of the tailing waste deposit “Gornje Polje”. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 215:164684. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2020.164684
  7. Miletijević, B. Nedeljkovic, Milena Lekic, Z. Nikić, Ivica Ristović, J. Djokic, Application of a Method for Intelligent Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Tailing Ponds in Northern Kosovo and Metohija, Energies, MDPI AG,Energies Editorial Office, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland, 9, 11, pp. 935 - 953, 1996
  8. Duško Minic, Dragan Manasijević, Vladan Ćosović, Andreja Todorović, Irma Dervišević, Dragana Živković, Jelena Đokić, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic prediction of the Ni-Pb-Sb phase diagram,CALPHAD, vol.35 (2011) 308-313
  9. Minic,  D. Manasijevic,  D. Zivkovic,  J. Stajic-Trosic,  J. Djokic,  D. Petkovic, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculation of Bi-Ga-Sb phase diagram, Materials science and technology, (2011), vol. 27 br. 5, str. 884-889
  10. Minic Dusko,  Manasijevic Dragan, Djokic JelenaZivkovic Dragana,  Zivkovic Zivan Silicothermic reduction process in magnesium production - Thermal analysis and characterization of the slag, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, (2008), vol. 93 br. 2, str. 411-415073, -, doi:10.3390/en9110935
  11. Jovana Galjak, Jelena Đokić, Irma Dervišević, Gordana Milentijević, Miljan Mojsić, Bojana Živković. Assessment of pollution and distribution of heavy metals in the soil near the flotation tailings Gornje Polje. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. Vol. 31, No. 5 (2022), 1-10, DOI: https://10.15244/pjoes/147828  
  12. Jovana Galjak, Jelena Đokić, Dejan Gurešić, Srdjan Jovic, Gordana Milentijević. Evaluation of acid mine drainage kinetics in the lead-zinc mine. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2020) 13:354. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-020-05382-y
  13. Nenad Z. Stanojević, Jelena V. Đokić, Predrag V. Osmokrović: Research on water interconnections within the Šar Mountains aquatorium by radioactive hydrogen isotope tritium, Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection 2019 Volume 34, Issue 4, Pages: 392-398 https://doi.org/10.2298/NTRP191029040S
  14. Nenad Z. Stanojević, Jelena V. Đokić, Dušan P. Nikezić, Predrag V. Osmokrović: Application of Complex Statistical Distributions and Natural Isotopes of Hydrogen and Oxygen for Assessment of Water Origin in Šar Mountains Aquatorium, Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection: Year 2020, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 172-180
  15. Milentijević, G.; Spalević, Ž.; Bjelajac, Ž.; Ðokić, J.; Nedeljković, B. Impact Analysis of Mining Company “Trepa” to the Contamination of the River Ibar Water, National vs. European Law Regulations. Metal. Int. 2013, 18, 283–288
  16. Ј. Đokić, D. Minic, Z. Kamberovic, G. Milentijevic, V. Malbasic, Stabilization and Solidification of Lead and Zinc Ore Processing Waste Deposit by Using Magnesium Slag, Technics, Technology, Education and Management TTEM, Society for Development of Teaching and Business Processes in New Net Environment in B&H, Vol 8, No.1, pp. 395 - 405, 1840-1503, Mar2013.
  17. Djokic, D. Minic, Z. Kamberovic and D. Petkovic, Impact analysis of magnesium slag deposit  in changing climate conditions, Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pages 439–450, ISSN (Print) 1898-6196, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/v10216-011-0034-7.
  18. Јelena Djokic, Dusko Minic, Zeljko Kamberovic: Reuse of metallurgical slag from the silicothermic magnesium production and secondary lead metallurgy, Revista metalurgia International No.3.( 2012) pp 46-53

Радови у часописима ван SCI листе
  1. Jovana Galjak, Jelena Đokic, Srdjan Jovic, Prediction of visitors’ thermal comfort in open urban areas. Zastita Materijala 59 (2018) broj 4.
  2. Jasmina Dedic, Srdjan Jovic, Jelena Djokic, „Analyses of burned area of forest by adaptive neuro-fuzzy approach“, Zastita Materijala, Inzenjersko drustvo za koroziju, Beograd Vol. 60, No 1, , pp. 58-63, 2019. doi:10.5937/zasmat1901058D
  3. Živković, B., Đokić, J. (2022). Distribution of heavy metals from tailings ponds and landfills into underground and surface waters,  Metallurgical and Material Engineering. https://doi.org/10.30544/xxx.
  4. G. Miletijević, B. Nedeljkovic, J. Djokic, Implementation the environmental protection system in the territory of the Kosovska Mitrovica and Zvečan municipalities, Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor, Institut za rudarstvo i metalurgiju Bor, 4, pp. 195 - 205, 2334-8836, 10.5937/MMEB1404193M, 2014
  5. Irma Dervisević, Jelena Đokić, Gordana Milentijević, Elezović Nataša, Ćosović Vladan, Dervišević Almin, The Impact of Leachate on the Quality of Surface and Groundwater and Proposal of Measures for Pollution Remediation, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 7, 5, pp. 745 - 759, 1311-5065, 10.4236/jep.2016.75067, 2016.
  6. Živković, B., Marijanović, J., Đokić, J. (2022). Decision making tools in regional sanitary landfill location selection. Recycling and Sustainable Development 15, 99-110. DOI: 10.5937/ror2201099Ž.
  7. Minić Duško, Petković Desimir, Đokić Jelena, Milentijević Gordana, Teški metali u reci Ibru na području Kosovske Mitrovice Voda i sanitarna tehnika, vol. 38, br. 5, str. 39-44, 2008, (M51)
  8. Milentijević Gordana, Nedeljković Blagoje, Đokić Jelena, Assessment of the mining practices effects on the water quality in the Ibar river within the Leposavić municipality, Zbornik radova Geografskog instituta "Jovan Cvijić", SANU, vol. 60, br. 1, str. 31-46, 2010 (M51)
  9. Petković Desimir, Đokić Jelena, Minić Duško Procena energetske efikasnosti procesa fjumingovanja šljake šahtnog topljenja na osnovu materijalnog i toplotnog bilansa, IMK-14-Istraživanje i razvoj, vol. 16, br. 4, str. 43-46, 2010 (M51)
  10. Petković Desimir, Đokić Jelena, Minić Duško Efikasnost čišćenja gasom kao funkcija umetanja tkanine u postrojenjima filter tkanine, IMK-14 - Istraživanje i razvoj, vol. 17, br. 3, str. 45-48, 2011 (М51)

Радови са међународних конференција


  1. Jovana Galjak, Jelena Đokić, Irma Dervišević, Gordana Milentijević, Jasmina Dedić. Environmental impact of Thermal Electric Power Plant Obilić in changing climatic. 7th International Symposium Mining and Environmental Protection. 25 - 28 September 2019, Vrdnik, Serbia.
  2. Jovana Galjak, Jelena Đokić, Irma Dervišević, Gordana Milentijević. Fly ash dispersion modeling in extreme weather conditions from landfill in Obilić. 27th International Conference Ecological Truth and Environmental Research. 18-21 June 2019, Bor, Serbia.
  3. Jovana Galjak, Jelena Đokić, Gordana Milentijević, Irma Dervišević, Snežana Pavlović, Characterization of the tailing waste deposit Gornje Polje, 6th International Symposium Mining and Environmental protection, Vrdnik, 21-24. jun 2017. godine.
  4. Irma Derviševi, Almin Dervišević, Jovana Galjak, Jelena Đokić. The Integrated modified technological and the Bioleaching process of recycling valuable metals from PCBS of the computer and mobile phones. 7th International Symposium Mining and Environmental Protection. 25 - 28 September 2019, Vrdnik, Serbia.
  5. Irma Dervišević, Almin Dervišević, Jovana Galjak, Jelena Đokić. Recycling valuable and hazardous metals from WEEE and Green tehnologies. 27th International Conference Ecological Truth and Environmental Research. 18-21 June 2019, Bor, Serbia.
  6. Јелена Ђокић, Gordana Milentijević, Blagoje Nedeljkovic, Exploring Possibilities for Tailing Waste Deposit Management, Mitrovica Innovations Scientific International Conference – MISIC 2015 : The Role of Business in Sustainable Development in the Western Balkans , Stichting Spark International Business College Mitrovica (IBCM) Van Diemenstraat 70, 1013 CN Amsterdam, Netherlands, /, /, pp. 185 - 192, 2452-2902  , Srbija, 15. - 16. Sep, 2015
  7. Ј Ђокић, Vucina Jankovic, Jelisaveta Marjanović, INSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL OBSTACLES IN PERFORMING NATURAL DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE NORTH OF KOSOVO AND METOHIJA, Safety for the future 2017, Proceedings, Regional Association for Security and Crisis Management S4 GLOSEC Global security doo, pp. 256 - 265, 978-86-80698-07-6, Obrenovac, 2017.
  8. Ј. Ђокић, С. Јовић, Н. Арсић, O. Anicic, ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 6th International Symposium MINING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Mining Department, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade Serbia, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade Serbia, -, -, pp. 214 - 219, -, -, 978-86-7352-298-2, Vrdnik, Serbia, 21. - 24. Jun, 2017
  9. Jelena Đokić, Irma Dervišević, Case study: Was the Highest Gas Discharge Stack Construction in Trepca Really Useful , Mitrovica Innovations Scientific International Conference – MISIC 2015 : The Role of Business in Sustainable Development in the Western Balkan, MISIC and IBCM , pp. 138 - 148, ISSN: 2452-2902, Stichting Spark International Business College Mitrovica (IBCM) Van Diemenstraat 70, 1013 CN Amster, 15. - 16. Sep, 2015
  10. Ј. Ђокић, Н. Арсић, С. Јовић, П. Станојевић, DESK STUDY ON ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN INFRASTRUCTURE REHABILITATION IN POST DISASTER PERIOD, International Scientific conference: IMPACT OF CHANGES IN OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT on preparation and execution (design) of operations, POKO 2017, The Military Academy, University of defence in Belgrade Serbia, The Military Academy, University of defence in Belgrade, Serbia, -, -, pp. 641 - 651, -, -, 978-86-335-0582-6, Belgrade, Serbia, 2. - 3.
  11. Irma Dervišević, Jelena Đokić, Nataša Elezović, Gordana Milentijević, Vladan Ćosović, Almin Dervišević, The impact of leachate on the quality of surface and groundwater and proposal of measures for pollution remediation, Mitrovica Innovations Scientific International Conference – MISIC 2015 : The Role of Business in Sustainable Development in the Western Balkans , Stichting Spark International Business College Mitrovica (IBCM) Van Diemenstraat 70, 1013 CN Amsterdam, Netherlands, /, /, pp. 210 - 221, 2452-2902  , Srbija, 15. - 16. Sep, 2015
  12. Đokić, D. Gurešić, J. Galjak, Effects of chemical composition on the microstructure and properties of the Cu-Ge-Sb alloys, Osmi simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima, pp. 48 - 49, 19. - 20. Jun, 2017
  13. Đokić, B. Nedeljković, G. Milentijević, N. Arsić, Characterization of the heterogeneous waste material, International Engineering Symposium at Banki, Proceeding, OBUDAI EGYETEM, Banki Donat Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, Obuda University, pp. 32 - 33, Budapest, 27. - 28. Nov, 2017
  14. Jelena Đokić, Desimir Petković, Duško Minić, Kontaminacija tla teškim metalima kod sekundarne proizvodnje olova, Treći Međunarodni kongres Ekologija, zdravlje, rad, sport, Banja Luka, 10-13 septembar 2009, pp 201-205 (М33)
  15. Đokić, J., Kamberović, Ž., Korać, M. Characterization of the slag in waste lead acid battery recycling. u: International Symposium Environmental Protection in Industrial Areas, Kosovska Mitrovica (II), Proceedings (2009), 256-261(М33)
  16. Ј. Djokic, Minic, G. Milentijevic, D. Cikara, Environmental Assessment of a lead and zinc ore processing waste deposit, Scientific articles of the International Conference “AGRI-FOOD SCIENCES, PROCESSES AND TECHNOLOGIES”-AGRIFOOD 20, 2012, Sibiu, Romania, pp 65-75 (M32)
  17. Jelena Đokić, Desimir Petković, Duško Minić, The efficiency of gas purification in secondary lead production, Proceedings “Modern Technologies and biotechnologies for environmental protection” 2010, Sibiu, Romania, pp. 55-62 (M33)
  18. Jelena Đokić, Desimir Petković, Željko Kamberović, Soil contamination by the slag generated in secondary lead production, 41th INTERNATIONAL OCTOBER CONFERENCE ON MINING AND METALLURGY, Kladovo 5-8 oktobar 2009, pp 757-762 (М33)
  19. Đokic, D. Petkovic, D. Minic. Z. Kamberovic, Characterization of the slag from silicotherm reduction process, Thermal analysis of the ternary system Cu-In-Sb, 3rd International Symposium, Light Metals and Composite Materials, Beograd, 2008, pp 93-100 (М33)
  20. Desimir Petković, Jelena Đokić, Duško Minić, Optimization of the secondary lead production in short rotary furnace, 40th INTERNATIONAL OCTOBER CONFERENCE ON MINING AND METALLURGY, Soko Banja 5-8 oktobar 2008, pp 440-445 (М33)
  21. Blagoje Nedeljković, Gordana Milentijević, Jelena Đokić, Desimir Petković, Characterization of the lead and zinc tailing waste deposit “Bostaniste” XXI International Serbian Symposium on mineral processing, Bor, 4-6 november 2008, pp 352-357 (M33)
  22. D. Minic, Ј. Djokic, D. Petkovic, J. Djokic, The environmental Impact of the tsp emission from the Lead smelter Trepca, Scientific articles of the International Conference “AGRI-FOOD SCIENCES, PROCESSES AND TECHNOLOGIES”-AGRIFOOD 20, 2012, Sibiu, Romania, pp 86-92 (M32)


  1. Jasmina Dedić, Jelena Djokić, Jovana Galjak. The Experimental Investigation of the Pollution Penetration Along the Depth Column in the Industrial Waste Deposit Gater. Theory to Practice as a Cognitive, Educational and Social Challenge, 17th -18th September 2020, Mitrovica, Kosovo
  2. Jovana Galjak, Jelena Djokic, Irma Dervisevic, Gordana Milentijevic. Waste material characterization as an environmental management tool. Deveti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima. 21-22 jun 2019. K. Mitrovica.
  3. Jovana Galjak, Jelena Đokić, Irma Dervišević, Gordana Milentijević. Specification of heavy metals in soil near flotation tailings Gornje Polje based on BCR procedure. Deseti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima. 25-26 jun 2021. Kosovska Mitrovica.
  4. Jovana Galjak, Jelena Đokić, Irma Dervišević, Gordana Milentijević. Mineralogical and chemical characterization of mine tailings in the landfill Gornje Polje. Deseti simpozijum o termodinamici I faznim dijagramima. 25-26 jun 2021. Kosovska Mitrovica.
  5. Jelena Đokić, Nebojša Arsić, Jelisaveta Marjanović, Jovana Galjak, Chemical hazard simulation in Trepca Zinc Plant. X International Engineering Symposium at Banki, Budapest, 21.Nov.2018.
  6. Jelena Đokić, Dejan Gurešić, Jovana Galjak, Effects of chemical composition on the microstructure and properties of the Cu-Ge-Sb allozy. Osmi simpozijum o termodinamici I faznim dijagramima sa međunarodnim učešćem, Kosovska Mitrovica, 19-20. jun 2017.godine.
  7. Irma Dervišević, Јovana Galjak, Јelena Đokić, Nataša Elezović, Almin Dervišević, The integrated modified technological processes with bioleaching technique that involving microbiological leaching of metals from WEEE, Osmi simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa međunarodnim učešćem, Kosovska Mitrovica, 19-20. jun 2017. godine.
  8. J. Djokic: Impact  Analysis Of Magnesium Slag Deposit  In Changing Climate Conditions, Aarhus, Denmark, Science for the Environment, October, 2011, Proceedings, pp.80 (M34)

Радови са домаћих конференција


  1. Jovana Galjak, Irma Dervišević, Jelena Đokić, Gordana Milentijević. Modelin of the pollutant particle dispersion in the atmosphere from Gater industrial waste deposite in different climate conditions. 10th Symposium „ Landfil Ash, Slag and Tailings Thermal Power Plants and Mines and Municipal Waste Landfill“.09. i 10. oktobar 2019. Niš.
  2. Jovana Galjak, Jelena Đokić, Irma Dervišević, Gordana Milentijević. Distribucija teških metala oko flotacijskog jalovišta “ Gornje Polje ” usled prerade olovno-cinkane rude na severu Kosova I Metohije. On-Line integrisana savetovanja sa međunarodnim učešćem ,,Zaštita vazduha, deponije pepela, šljake, jalovine u termoelektranama i rudnicima I deponije’’, Udruženje zaštite životne sredine, 08. jun, Beograd 2021.
  3. Irma Dervišević, Jovana Galjak, Jelena Đokić, Smiljana Marković, Municipal waste management in the republic of serbia and proposal measures for implementation of a higher recycling rate and recovery of raw materials. Air protection; landfill ash, slag and taling thermal power plants, mines and municipal waste landfill - Integrated Symposium with international participation Beograd, 8. jun 2021.

Књиге и монографије
  1. др Јелена Ђокић, дипл.инж. Јована Гаљак, Примена информационих технологија у заштити животне средине - Практикум са примерима и решеним задацима, 2018. Издавач Факултет техничких наука Универзитета у Приштини, Косовска Митровица ISBN 978-86-80893-73-0
  2. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering, Natural Risk Management and Engineering, E-book ISBN 978-3-030-39391-5, Hard copy: 978-3-030-39390-8, 487584_1_En, Chapter 5: Natural Disasters in Industrial Areas
  3. Milentijević, G., Nedeljković, B., Lekić, M., Nikić, Z., Ristović I., Djokić, J. Application of a Method for Intelligent Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Tailing Ponds in Northern Kosovo and Metohija. Energies 2016, Volume 9 (11), pp. 935-952, DOI: 10.3390/en9110935.
  4. Milentijević, G., Spalević, Ž., Bjelajac, Ž., Djokić, J., Nedeljković, B. Impact Analysis of Mining Company 'Trepča' to the Contamination of the River Ibar Water, National Vs. European Law Regulations. Metalurgia international 2013, Volume 18, pp. 283-288.
  5. Djokic, D. Minic, Z. Kamberovic and D. Petkovic, Impact analysis of magnesium slag deposit  in changing climate conditions, Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pages 439–450, ISSN (Print) 1898-6196, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/v10216-011-0034-7.
  6. Ј. Djokic, D. Minic, Z. Kamberovic: Reuse of metallurgical slag from the silicothermic magnesium production and secondary lead metallurgy, Revista metalurgia International No.3.( 012) pp 46-53
  7. Djokic, D. Minic, G. Milentijevic, Z. Kamberovic, Stabilization and solidification of the tailing waste deposit by using magnesium slag, TTEM Volume 8, No.1, 2013, 395-405
  8. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering, Natural Risk Management and Engineering, E-book ISBN 978-3-030-39391-5, Hard copy: 978-3-030-39390-8, 487584_1_En, Chapter 7: Flood Risk Management Modelling in the River Ibar Catchment Area
  9. Milentijević, G., Spalević, Ž., Bjelajac, Ž., Djokić, J., Nedeljković, B. Impact Analysis of Mining Company 'Trepča' to the Contamination of the River Ibar Water, National Vs. European Law Regulations. Metalurgia international2013, Volume 18, pp. 283-288.
  10. J. Djokic, D. Minic, Z. Kamberovic and D. Petkovic, Impact Analysis of Airborn Pollution Due to Magnesium Slag Deposit and Climatic Changes Condition, Ecological Chemistry and engineering S Volume 19,Issue 3, Page 439-444 (2012),
  11. Predrag Stanojevic, Jelena Djokic, Bojana Zivkovic and Jelena Rajovic, GIS application in floods risk assessment in Leposavic, 9th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Chania, 4-6 June 2017, Proceedings, pp.195-201
  12. Ђокић Јелена, „Утицај отпада из производње олова на животну средину“ Универзитет у Приштини. ISBN 978-86-81656-44-0

Национални пројекти
  1. Број пројекта: 142043, Назив пројекта: Термодинамика и фазни биланс безоловних лемних материјала, ОИ 2006-2010
  2. Број пројекта: 37016, Назив пројекта: Индустрија производње олова и цинка, последице по становништво и уређење и заштита екосистема
  3. Број пројекта: 43007 Назив пројекта: Истраживање климатских промена и њиховог утицаја на животну средину - праћење утицаја, адаптација и ублажавањe
  4. Управљање ризицима од природних катастрофа (по уговору бр. 612-00-01968/2017-06 од 30.11.2017..) у оквиру Програмске активности 0014 “РАЗВОЈ ВИСОКОГ ОБРАЗОВАЊА” Министарства просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије


Међународни пројекти
  1. Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries NatRisk Project reference number 573806-EPP-1-2016-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP http://natrisk.ni.ac.rs/files/dissemination/presentations/Report%20on%20natural%20disasters%20in%20WB.pdf
  2. Strengthening of master curricula in water resources management for the Western Balkans HEIs and stakeholders  597888-EPP-1-2018-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP  SWARM

