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Милица Томовић

Милица Томовић

+381 28 425 320
ул. Књаза Милоша бр. 7, 38220 Косовска Митровица
Катедра Катедра за технологију

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Мастер инжењер заштите животне средине

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Инжењерство заштите животне средине

Датум избора у звање

27.03.2017. године

Предмети које наставник држи на основним, мастер и докторским студијама (по акредитацији из 2021. године)

20.OT54 Биохемија

20.OT76 Елементарна и специјална анализа

20.OT68 Методе детекције елемената у траговима

20.OZ11 Анализа основних параметара земљишта

20.OZ47 Методе анализе загађујућих материја

20.OZ45 Кумулативни елементи у процесу рада

20.OZ25 Технолошки процеси у контроли квалитета вода

20.MT15 Дифрактометрија

20.MT18 Мониторинг загађујућих материја

20.MU12 Природне катастрофе са хемијским агенсима

20.MZ3 Управљање посебним токовима отпада

20.MZ6 Технологија припреме воде у индустрији

Радови у часописима са SCI листе
  1. D. Minić, Y. Du, M. Premović, D. Manasijević, N. Talijan, D. Milisavljević, A. Marković, A. Đordjević, M. Tomović, Experimental and thermodynamic description of ternary Bi-Cu-Ga system, Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy, 53 (3) 2017, 189-201. DOI: 10.2298/JMMB170505017M
  2. D. Minić, M. Premović, N. Tošković, D. Manasijević, V. Ćosović, M. Janaćković, M. Tomović, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculations of the Bi-Ni-Pb phase diagram, Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy 55 (2) 2019, 157-166. DOI:10.2298/JMMB181128024M
  3. M. Premović, M. Tomović, D. Minić, D, Manasijević, D. Živković, V. Ćosović, V. Grković, A. Ðordjević, Determination of 200 0 C Isothermal Section of Al-Ag-Ga Phase Diagram by Microanalysis, X-ray Diffraction, Hardness and Electrical Conductivity Measurements, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 26 (6) 2017, 2491–2501. DOI: 10.1007/s11665-017-2689-4
  4. M. Milosavljević, M. Premović, D. Minić, V. Ćosović, A. Đorđević, M. Tomović, Experimental Investigation of Phase Equilibria in the Bi-Cu-Ge System, Materials Research, 24 (6) 2021. DOI: 10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2021-0201
  5. M. Milosavljević, M. Premović, D. Minić, D. Manasijević, A. Đorđević, M. Tomović, Thermodynamic Description of the Cu-Ge-In System: Exsperiment and modeling, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 42 (6) 2021, 851-863. DOI: 10.1007/s11669-021-00930-9
  6. M. Milosavljević, M. Premović, D. Minić, D. Manasijević, A. Todić, M. Tomović, Thermodynamic description of the Cu-Ge-Pb system: Experiment and modeling, Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 72 (1) 2020, 102216. DOI: 10.1016/j.calphad.2020.102216

Радови у часописима ван SCI листе
  1. D. Gurešić, N. Talijan, V. Ćosović, D. Milisavljević, A. Đorđević, M. Tomović, Effect of chemical composition on microstructure, hardness and electrical conductivity of the Bi-Cu-Ga alloys at 100 °C, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia AMES, 22 (3) 2016, 179-191. UDC: 669.665'3'871. DOI: 10.30544/211
  2. D. Gurešić, A. Đorđević, A. Marković, M. Tomović, N. Talijan, I. Manasijević, Effect of chemical composition on the microstructure and properties of the Cu-Ge-Sb alloys, Journal of Engineering & Processing Menagement, 8 (1) 2016, 45-64. DOI: 10.7251/JEPMEN1608045G. UDK: 552.527:543.4
  3. A. Đorđević, M. Premović, D. Minić, M. Kolarević, M. Tomović, Effect of chemical composition on the microstructure, hardness and electrical conductivity profiles of the Bi-Ge-In alloys, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 26 (4) 2020, 413-429, DOI: 10.30544/561
  4. A. Đorđević, M. Premović, D. Minić, M. Tomović, B. Radičević, N. Kolarević, Mechanical and electrical properties of the Bi-Ge-Sn alloys, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 26 (4) 2020. DOI: 10.30544/562

Радови са међународних конференција
  1. D. Minić, M. Premović, D. Manasijević, D. Živković, Lj. Balanović, A. Marković, M. Tomović, Experimental investigation of izothermal section at 300 0
    C of the thernary Bi–In–Ni system, The 47th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 04-07 October 2015, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 227-230. ISBN: 978-86-7827-047-5.
  2. D. Milisavljević, D. Minić, M. Premović, D. Živković, A. Đorđević, M. Tomović, Effect Of Chemical Composition On Hardness And Electrical Conductivity Profiles Of The Ag-Bi-In Alloys At 100 °C, V International Congress “Engineering, Environment And Materials In Processing Industry, 15-17 Mart 2016, Jahorina, 488-501. UDK 537.31:669.055, ISBN: 978-99955-81-22-0
  3. D. Minić, Premović, D. Živković, S. Jović, A. Marković, M. Tomović, Microstructural investigation of ternary Al-Cu-Sb and Bi-Ge-Sb alloys, The 48th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 28 September – 01 October 2016, Bor, Bor (Serbia), 443-446. ISBN 978-86-6305-047-1.
  4. M. Premović, Y. Du, D. Minić, A. Đorđević, D. Milisavljević, A. Marković, M. Tomović, Prediction of The Ge-In and Ge-Pb nano alloys phase diagrams, 16 th
    International Foundrymen Conference Global Foundry Industry – Perspectives for the Future, 15-17 Маy 2017, Opatija.
  5. D. Gurešić, A. Mitrović, N. Štrbac, M. Sokić, M. Tomović, B. Marković, J. Stojanović, Reaction mechanism, thermal analysis and kinetics of Bi2S 3 oxidation in the air atmosphere, 4th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 28-31 August 2017, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 276. ISBN 978-3-940237-47-7
  6. M. Tomović, D. Minić, M. Premović, A. Marković, Effect of chemical composition on the electrical conductivitz profiles of the Bi-Cu-Ga alloys at a temperature of 100 0 C, The 49 th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, pp. 497-500. ISBN: 978-86- 6305-066- 2, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 18- 21. October, 2017.
  7. M. Premović, Y. Du, D. Minić, D. Manasijević, M. Tomović, Thermodynamic calculations of the Ag-Ga- Sn phase diagram, The 49th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, pp. 501 - 504, ISBN: 978-86- 6305-066- 2, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia), 18-21. Oct, 2017.
  8. D. Minić, M. Premović, M. Tomović, D. Gurešić, D. Manasijević: Thermodynamic description and characterization of the alloys from the ternary Ag-Ge-In system, International Scientific Conference IRASA, Science, education, technology and innovation, April 12, 2019. Belgrade, 149-158.
  9. A. Đorđević, D. Minić, M. Premović, M. Tomović, Experimental investigation of the ternary Bi-Ge-In and Bi-Ge-Sn systems, International scientific conference SETI I, 12 april 2019, Belgrade (Serbia), 159-167.
  10. M. Tomović, D. Minić, J. Đokić, D. Gurešić, M. Premović, A. Đorđević, Modeling of the dispersion of the asbestos bearing particles in different climatic conditions, International scientific conference SETI I, 12 april 2019, Belgrade (Serbia), 314-322.
  11. A. Đorđević, D. Minić, M. Premović, M. Tomović, D. Manasijević, Experimental examination and thermodynamic description of the ternary Bi-Ga-Ge system, The 51 th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 16 - 19 October 2019, Bor, Borsko jezero (Serbia), 315-318. ISBN: 978-86-6305-101-0
  12. M. Tomović, M. Premović, D. Minić, A. Đorđević, V. Ćosović, Investigation of the ternary Bi-Ge-Zn system, The 51th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 16 - 19 October 2019, Bor, Borsko jezero (Serbia), 319-322, ISBN: 978-86-6305-101-0
  13. A. Đorđević, D. Minić, M. Premović, M. Tomović, V. Ćosović, Investigation of the ternary Ga-Ge-Zn system, International scientific conference SETI II, 02-03 october 2020, Belgrade (Serbia), 142-152, ISBN: 978-86-81512-02-9
  14. A. Đorđević, M. Premović, M. Tomović, A. Marković, Experimental and thermodynamic description of ternary Bi-Cu-Ga system, Osmi simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima, 19-20 Jun 2017, Kosovska Mitrovica (Serbia), 44-45, ISBN: 978-86-80893-71-6
  15. M. Tomović, M. Premovic, A. Đorđević, D. Milisavljević, Determination of 300 °C isothermal section of Cu-In-Ni phase diagram by microanalysis, X-ray diffraction, and hardness and electrical conductivity measurements, Osmi simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima, 19-20 Jun 2017, Kosovska Mitrovica (Serbia), 46-47. ISBN: 978-86-80893-71-6
  16. M. Tomović, D. Minic, J. Đokić, M. Premović, A. Đorđević, D. Gurešić, Modeling of the dispersion of the bearing particles lead-zinc in different climatic conditions, Deveti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 21-22 jun 2019, Kosovska Mitrovica, (Serbia) 58-59. ISBN: 978-86-80893-96-9
  17. M. Tomović, D. Minic, J. Đokić, M. Premović, D. Gurešić, A. Đorđević, Modeling of the asbestos particle dispersion in the atmosphere from abandoned mine site in different climatic conditions, Deveti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 21-22 jun 2019, Kosovska Mitrovica, (Serbia) 56-57. ISBN: 978-86-80893-96-9
  18. A. Đorđević, M. Premović, D. Gurešić, M. Kolarević, M. Tomović, Effect of chemical composition on the microstructure, hardness and electrical conductivity profiles of the Ge-In-Zn alloys, Deseti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 25-26 jun 2021, Kosovska Mitrovica, (Serbia) 64-65. ISBN: 978-86-81656-22-8
  19. A. Đorđević, A. Todic, M. Premović, D. Minić, M. Tomović, Effect of chemical composition on the microstructure, hardness and electrical conductivity profiles of the Gа-Ge-Zn alloys, Deseti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 25-26 jun 2021, Kosovska Mitrovica, (Serbia) 66-67. ISBN: 978-86-81656-22-8
  20. M. Milosavljević, D. Minić, M. Premović, A. Đorđević, M. Tomović, Extrapolation of phase diagram of the Cu-Ge-Pb system, Deseti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 25-26 jun 2021, Kosovska Mitrovica, (Serbia) 68-69. ISBN: 978-86-81656-22-8
  21. M. Premović, M. Milosavljević, A. Đorđević, M. Tomović, Experimental and thermodynamic study of isothermal sections at 600 and 400 °C of ternary Cu-Ge-Pb system, Deseti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 25-26 jun 2021, Kosovska Mitrovica, (Serbia) 70-71. ISBN: 978-86-81656-22-8
  22. M. Premović, A. Marković, V. Ćosović, M. Tomović, N. Dolić, X. Tao, Experimental investigation of the ternary Ag-Ge-Sn alloys, Deveti simpozijum o termodinamici i faznim dijagramima sa medjunarodnim učešćem, 21-22 jun 2019, Kosovska Mitrovica, (Serbia) 52-53.

Радови са домаћих конференција
  1. M. Tomović, A. Đorđević, J. Galjak and A. Marković, mentor: dr. Milena Premović, Experimental investigation of isothermal sections at 200 ° C of the ternary Al-Ag-Ga systems, The fifth international symposium for students, 27 November 2015, Kraljevo (Serbia), 5-8.
  2. A. Đorđević, M. Tomović, J. Galjak and D. Milisavljević, mentor: prof. dr Duško Minić, Mechanical and electrical properties of the ternary Al-Ag-Ga, The fifth international symposium for students, 27 November 2015, Kraljevo (Serbia), 9-12.
  3. A. Đorđević, M. Tomović, mentor: Duško Minić, Experimental investigation of ternary Bu-Cu-Ga system, 4 nd International Student Conference on Technical Sciences, 20–21 Oktobar 2017, Borsko jezero (Serbia),
  4. M. Tomović, A. Đorđević, mentor: Milena Premović, Thermodynamic description of ternary Bi-Cu-Ga system, 4 nd International Student Conference on Technical Sciences, 20–21 Oktobar 2017, Borsko jezero (Serbia),
  5. A. Đorđević, M. Tomović, B. Todorović, mentor: dr Milena Premović, Investigation of the ternary Ge-Sn-X (X=In,Zn) systems, 5 nd International Student Conference on Technical Sciences, 28 Septembar – 01 Oktobar 2018, Bor (Serbia),
  6. M. Tomović, A. Đorđević, mentor: dr Duško Minić, Description of ternary Ag-Ge-Ga system, 5 nd International Student Conference on Technical Sciences, 28 Septembar – 01 Oktobar 2018, Bor (Serbia),
  7. A. Đorđević, M. Tomović, mentor: prof. dr Duško Minić, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic prediction of the Al-Ag-Ga phase diagram, 2 nd International Student Conference on geology, mining, metallurgy, chemical engineering, material science and related fields, 13–14 July 2015, Bor (Serbia)
  8. M. Tomović, A. Đorđević, mentor: prof. dr Duško Minić, Mechanical and electrical properties of the ternary Al-Ag-Ga system, 2nd International Student Conference on geology, mining, metallurgy, chemical engineering, material science and related fields, 13–14 July 2015, Bor (Serbia),
  9. M. Tomović, A. Đorđević i J. Galjak, Eksperimentalno istraživanje i termodinamičko predviđanje trojnog Al-Ag-Ga sistema, Zbornik radova Međunarodnog skupa studenata tehnologije, 01-11 Novembar 2015, Novi Sad (Srbija),
  10. A. Đorđević, M. Tomović i J. Galjak, Eksperimentalno ispitivanje niskotemperaturnog trojnog Bi-Ga-In sistema, Zbornik radova Međunarodnog skupa studenata tehnologije, 01-11 Novembar 2015, Novi Sad (Srbija),
  11. J. Galjak, M. Tomović i A. Đorđević, Dobijanje destilata šljive sorte stenlej, Zbornik radova Međunarodnog skupa studenata tehnologije, 01-11 Novembar 2015, Novi Sad (Srbija), 32.

Књиге и монографије


Национални пројекти
  1. Назив пројекта: Индустрија производње олова и цинка, последице по становништво и уређење и заштита екосистема
    Број пројекта: 37016
    Интерни носилац пројекта: Медицински факултет
    Тип пројекта: домаћи развојни – ТР
    Датум почетка пројекта: 01.01.2011.
    Датум завршетка пројекта: 31.12.2019.
    Позиција: Истраживач
  2. Назив пројекта: Практична наука – Популаризација техничко-технолошких наука
    кроз мултимедијалне форме
    Тип пројекта: Програм запромоцију и популаризацију науке коју финансира центар за промоцију науке
    Датум почетка пројекта: 01.09.2021.
    Датум завршетка пројекта: 30.06.2022.
    Позиција: Извршилац

Међународни пројекти
