Књаза Милоша бр. 7, 38220 Косовска Митровица, Србија

др Милан Љ. Ђорђевић

др Милан Љ. Ђорђевић

ванредни професор
+381 28 425 320
ул. Књаза Милоша бр. 7, 38220 Косовска Митровица
Катедра Катедра за конструкције, термотехнику и термоенергетику

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Доктор наука - машинско инжењерство

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Термотехника и термоенергетика

Датум избора у звање

09.01.2021. године

Предмети које наставник држи на основним, мастер и докторским студијама (по акредитацији из 2021. године)

OM12 Термодинамика

OM67 Простирање топлоте и масе

OМ23 Мотори СУС

OM82 Процеси сагоревања

OM85 Расхладна постројења

OM52 Обновљиви извори енергије

OM108 Парни котлови

OA44 Машинске инсталације

ММ38 Одабрана поглавља из простирање топлоте и масе

ММ39 Енергетска ефикасност у зградарству

ММ40 Топлотне турбомашине

ДМ6 Транспортни процеси у термотехници и Термоенергетици

ДМ15 Моделирање у термотехници и термоенергетици

ДМ30 Нумеричке симулације струјно-термичких процеса

Радови у часописима са SCI листе
  1. Đorđević, M., Stefanović, V., Kalaba, D., Mančić, M., Katinić, M., Radiant Absorption Characteristics of Corrugated Curved Tubes, Thermal Science, 21 (2017), pp. 2897-2906, DOI: 10.2298/TSCI160420263D.
  2. Đorđević, M., Stefanović, V., Vukić, M., Mančić, M., Numerical Investigation on the Convective Heat Transfer in a Spiral Coil With Radiant Heating, Thermal Science, 20 (2016), Suppl. 5, pp. S1215-S1226, DOI: 10.2298/TSCI16S5215D.
  3. Đorđević, M., Stefanović, V., Mančić, M., Pressure Drop and Stability of Flow in Archimedean Spiral Tube with Transverse Corrugations, Thermal Science, 20 (2016), pp. 579-591, DOI: 10.2298/TSCI150118212D.
  4. Mančić, M., Živković, D., Đorđević, M., Jovanović, M., Rajić, M., Mitrović, D., Techno- Economic Optimization of Configuration and Capacity of a Polygeneration System for the Energy Demands of a Public Swimming Pool Building, Thermal Science, 22 (2018), Suppl. 5, pp. S1535-S1549, DOI: 10.2298/TSCI18S5535M.
  5. Pavlović, S., Bellos, E., Stefanović, V., Đorđević, M., Vasiljević, D., Thermal and Exergetic Investigation of a Solar Dish Collector Operating with Mono and Hybrid Nanofluids,   Thermal   Science,   22   (2018),   Suppl.   5,    pp.    S1383-S1393, DOI:  10.2298/TSCI18S5383P.
  6. Mančić, M., Živković, D., Đorđević, M., Rajić, M., Optimization of a Polygeneration System for Energy Demands of a Livestock Farm, Thermal Science, 20 (2016), Suppl. 5, pp. S1285-S1300, DOI: 10.2298/TSCI16S5285M.
  7. Kalaba, D., Đorđević, M., Kirin, S., Determining the Reliability Function of Thermal Power System in Power Plant "Nikola Tesla, Block B1", Thermal Science, 19 (2015), рр. 793-800, DOI: 10.2298/TSCI140610144K.
  8. Kalaba, D., Radaković, Z., Đorđević, M., Kirin, S., Determining the  Theoretical Reliability Function of Thermal Power System Using Simple and Complex Weibull Distribution,  Thermal         Science,         18         (2014),         pp.         S229-S238, DOI:  10.2298/TSCI120611168K

Радови у часописима ван SCI листе
  1. Đorđević, M., Stefanović, , Vukić, M., Mančić, M., Experimental Investigation of the Convective Heat Transfer in a Spirally Coiled Corrugated Tube with Radiant Heating, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series: Mechanical Engineering, 15 (2017), pp. 495-506, DOI:  10.22190/FUME171001027D.
  2. Kalaba, , Đorđević , M., Ivanović, V., Determining the Theoretical Reliability Functions of Boiler Tubing System in Power Plant "Nikola Tesla, Block A4", Structural Integrity And Life, 15 (2015), pp. 167-171.
  3. Kalaba, , Đorđević, M., Kirin, S., Delamarian, C., Determining Reliability Functions of Steam Turbine in Power Plant ‘Nikola Tesla, Block A4’, Structural Integrity And Life, 16 (2016), pp. 9-13.
  4. Đorđević, M., Mančić, M., Mitrović, D., Energy and Exergy Analysis of Coal Fired Power Plant, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series: Working and Living Environmental Protection, 11 (2014), pp. 163-175.

Радови са међународних конференција
  1. Đorđević, M., Mančić, M., Stefanović, V., Numerical Investigation of the Convective Heat Transfer in Spirally Coiled Corrugated Pipes, Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia - SimTerm 2019, October 22–25, 2019, Sokobanja, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-124-7, pp. 592-600.
  2. Đorđević, M., Mančić, M., Stefanović, V., A Parametric Study on Correlations for Heat Transfer in Helically Coiled Pipes, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, April 19-20, 2018, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86- 6055-103-2, pp. 41-44.
  3. Đorđević, M., Stefanović, V., Vukić, M., Mančić, M., Experimental Investigation on the Convective Heat Transfer in a Spirally Coiled Corrugated Tube with Radiant Heating, Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, SIMTERM 2017, October 17-20, 2017, Soko Banja, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-098-1, pp 526-535.
  4. Mančić, M., Živković, D., Rajić, M., Mančić, , Đorđević, M., Vukadinović, B., Banić, M., Energy Efficiency of Food Cooling and Freezing Plants in Serbia. In: Rackov M., Mitrović R., Čavić M. (eds) Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering. KOD 2021. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 109 (2022), Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-88465-9_67,  pp.  665–673.
  5. Skerlić, , Nikolić, D., Radulović, J.,  Radojević, A.,  Đorđević, M.,  Mišković, A., Influence of Building Envelope on Building Energy Consumption, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - DEMI 2021, May 28-29, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, ISBN 978- 99938-39-92-7,    pp. 153-158.
  6. Mančić, M., Živković, D., Laković, , Mančić, M., Đorđević, M., A Model for Coupling Polygeneration System Superstructure Model to Building Load Models in Trnsys, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference - MASING 2020, December 09- 10, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-139-1, pp. 61-64.
  7. Skerlić, J., Nikolić, , Radojević, A., Đorđević, M., Influence of Thermal Insulation Thickness on Heating Energy Consumption, Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference - COMETa 2020, November 26th-28th, East Sarajevo, RS, B&H, ISBN 978-99976-719-8-1, pp. 444-450.
  8. Mančić, M., Živković, , Laković Paunović, M., Đorđević, M., Vukadinović, B., Rajić, M., Application of Rooftop Photovoltaics in Cooling and Freezing Facilities, Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia - SimTerm 2019, October 22–25, 2019, Sokobanja, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-124-7, pp. 808-818.
  9. Kalaba, , Đorđević, M., Mančić, M., Comparison of Reliability Indicators of the Thermal Power System Obtained by Different Weibull Distribution Models, Proceedings of the XV International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMCSM19, May 24 – 26, 2019, Bor, Serbia, ISSN 2620-0597, pp. 183-194.
  10. Mančić, M., Živković, , Đorđević, M., Optimisation of Polygeneration Systems with Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, April 19-20, 2018, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-103-2, pp. 37-40.
  11. Mančić, , Živković, D., Rajić, M., Đorđević, M., A Trnsys Model of a Polygeneration Energy Supply System, XIV International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, November 14th-16th, 2018, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6125- 205-1, pp. 105-109.
  12. Mančić, , Živković, D., Đorđević, M., Jovanović, M., Rajić, M., Mitrović, D., Techno- Economic Optimization of Configuration and Capacity of a Polygeneration System for the Energy Demands of a Public Swimming Pool Building, Proceedings of the 18thSymposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, SIMTERM 2017, October 17- 20, 2017, Soko Banja, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-098-1, pp 47-58.
  13. Mančić, M, Živković, , Mitrović, D., Đorđević, M., Jovanović, M., Optimal Configuration of a Polygeneration System for the Energy Demands of a Public Swimming Pool Building, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, DEMI 2017, May 26-27, 2017, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, ISBN: 978-99938-39-72-9, pp. 387-398.
  14. Mančić, M., Živković, D., Đorđević, M., Jovanović, M., Rajić, , Optimisation of a Polygeneration System for the Energy Demands of an Indoor Swimming Pool, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications, COMETa 2016, pp. 375-384.
  15. Đorđević, M., Stefanović, , Pavlović, S., Mančić, M., Numerical Analyses of the Radian Heat  Flux  Produced  by  Quartz  Heating  System,  Proceedings  of  the  3rd International  Conference  Mechanical  Engineering  in  XXI  Century,  MASING  2015, September 17-18, 2015, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6065-072-1, pp. 75-80.
  16. Mančić, M., Živković, , Todorović, M., Jovanović, M., Đorđević, M., Optimization of Capacity of Biogas Cogeneration System for an Integrated Pig Farm, V International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2015), pp 346- 356, ISBN 978-86-7672-259-4.
  17. Kocić, S., Petrović, I., Mančić, , Živković, D., Đorđević, M., Comparative Analysis of Energy Efficiency of Two Indoor Swimming Pools Using the Energy Balance Method, Proceedings of V International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2015), pp 22-32, ISBN 978-86-7672-259-4.
  18. Pavlović, , Vasiljević, D., Stefanović, V., Đorđević, M., Mančić, M., Ray Tracing Study to Determine Optical Performance of Dish Solar Thermal Concentrator, 17thSymposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, Sokobanja, Serbia, October 20–23, 2015, ISBN 978-86-6055-076-9.
  19. Đorđević, M., Stefanović, V., Vukić, M., Numerical Investigation on the Convective Heat Transfer in a Spiral Coil with Radiant Heating, Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Thermal Science and Egineering of Serbia, SIMTERM 2015, October 20-23, 2015, Sokobanja, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-076-9, 836-844.
  20. Kalaba, , Đorđević , M., Ivanović, V.,Determining the Theoretical  Reliability Functions of the Thermal Power System in Power Plant "Pljevlja", Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Thermal Science and Egineering of Serbia, SIMTERM 2015, October 20- 23, 2015, Sokobanja, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-076-9, pp. 749-755.
  21. Kalaba, , Đorđević, M., Kirin, S., Determining the Theoretical Failure Rate Function of the Thermal Power System in Power Plant "Nikola Tesla, Block B2", Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific and Expert Conference TEAM 2015 , 1416 October 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7083-877-2, pp. 310-313.
  22. Đorđević, M., Kalaba, D., Adamović, D., Comparison of Reliability Functions of the Thermal Power System Obtained by Different Weibull Distribution Models, Proceedings of International Conference POWER PLANTS 2014, October 28th-31st, 2014, Zlatibor, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7877-024-1.
  23. Kalaba, , Đorđević, M., Adamović, D., Determining the Theoretical Reliability Functions of Thermal Power System Using Complex Weibull Distribution, Proceedings of International Conference POWER PLANTS 2014, October 28th-31st, 2014, Zlatibor, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7877-024-1.
  24. Mančić, , Živković, D., Todorović, M., Đorđević, M., Experimental Evaluation of Evaporation Rates from Water Surface of an Indor Swimming Pool, Proceedings of the IV International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2014), October 15th, 2014, Zrenjanin, Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-7672-234-1, pp. 226-231.
  25. Đorđević, M., Bajmak, Š., Mančić, M., A Parametric Study on Correlations for Transport Parameters in Fixed Bed Regenerators, Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Thermal Science and Egineering of Serbia, SIMTERM 2013, October 22-25, 2013, Sokobanja, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-043-1, pp. 324-335.
  26. Bajmak, Š., Đorđević, , Possibilities of Applying Heta Lower Temperature Levels for Heating by Using Two-Stage Heat Pump, Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Thermal Science and Egineering of Serbia, SIMTERM 2013, October 22-25, 2013, Sokobanja, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-043-1, pp. 437-443.
  27. Kalaba, , Đorđević, M., Adamović, D., Determining the Theoretical Reliability Functions of the Thermal Power Systems in Power Plant "Nikola Tesla A", Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Thermal Science and Egineering of Serbia, SIMTERM 2013, October 22-25, 2013, Sokobanja, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-043-1, pp. 400-407.
  28. Đorđević, M., Pavlović, S., Performance Analyses of a Thermally Stratified Sensible Heat Storage in a Solar Powered Absorption Cooling System, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, MASING 2013, June 20-21, 2013, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6065-039-4, pp. 189-192.
  29. Pavlović, S., Stefanović, V., Đorđević, M., Review of Software for Simulation and Optimization of Middle and High Temperature Solar Collectors, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, MASING 2013, June 20-21, 2013, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6065-039-4, pp. 183-188.
  30. Mančić, M., Živković, D., Đorđević, M., Todorović, M., Pavlović, S., Comparison of Performances of Micro Hibrid Trigeneration System for Energy Demands of a Small Residential Building, Proceedings of the III International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (IIZS 2013), October 30th, 2013, Zrenjanin, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7672-208-2, pp. 388-393.
  31. Mančić, M., Đorđević, M., Petrović, E., Milisavljević, J., Turbulence Intensity in a Smoth Tube Measuring with Hot Wire Anemomometer, Proceedings of 29th Danubia- Adria Symposium on Advences in Experimental Mechanics, September 26th – 29th, 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7083-762-1, pp. 210-213.
  32. Milisavljević, J., Petrović, E., Ćirić, I., Mančić, M., Marković, D., Đorđević, M., Tensile Testing for Different Types of Polymers, Proceedings of 29th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advences in Experimental Mechanics, September 26th – 29th, 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7083-762-1, pp. 266-269.
  33. Kalaba, D., Đorđević, M., Radaković, Z., Kirin, S., Determining the Availability Function of the Thermal Power System in Power Plant "Nikola Tesla, Block A4", Proceedings of International Conference POWER PLANTS 2012, October 30th – November 2nd, 2012, Zlatibor, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7877-021-0.
  34. Stefanović, V., Pavlović, S., Stojanović, A., Mančić, M., Đorđević, M., Experimental Determination and Review of Heat Performances of Three Flat Collectors and a CPC-2V Concentrating Collector with a Small Concentration Ratio, Proceedings of 15th Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, SIMTERM 2011, October 18– 21, 2011, Sokobanja, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-018-9, pp. 529-541.
  35. Stefanović, V., Pavlović, S., Mančić, M., Stojanović, A., Đorđević, M., Mathematical Model and Numerical Simulation of CPC-2V Concentrating Solar Collector, Proceedings of 15th Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, SIMTERM 2011, October 18–21, 2011, Sokobanja, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-018-9, pp. 219-232.
  36. Mančić, M., Živković, D., Stefanović, V., Đorđević, M., Pavlović, S., Review of Software for Simulation and Optimization  of Energy Systems, Proceedings of 15th Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, SIMTERM 2011, October 18– 21, 2011, Sokobanja, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-018-9, pp.113-126.
  37. Đorđević, M., Stefanović, V., Mančić, M., Pavlović, S., Solar Organic Rankine Cycles, Proceedings of 15th Symposium on Thermal Science and  Engineering  of  Serbia, SIMTERM 2011, October 18–21, 2011, Sokobanja, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-018-9, pp. 305-317.
  38. Miltenović, V., Kocić, M., Đorđević, M.,  Milenković,  J.,  Conceptual  Solution  for Puryfing Industrial Waste Water Using "Triz" Methodology, Proceedings of The International Conference Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, November 25-26., 2010, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-008-0, pp. 125-128.

Радови са домаћих конференција
  1. Bajmak, Š., Đorđević, M., Daljinsko hlađenje, analiza centralnih sistema i koeficijenta daljinskog hlađenja, ENERGETIKA 2013, Mart 2013, Zlatibor, Srbija, ISSN: 0354-8651, pp. 314-321.
  2. Kalaba, D., Đorđević, M., Prilog metodi određivanja teoretske funkcije pouzdanosti termoenergetskih sistema, Majska konferencija  o  strategijskom  menadžmentu,  Maj 25 - 27., 2012, Bor, Srbija, ISBN: 978-86-80987-96-5, str. 677-686.

Књиге и монографије
  1. Милан Ђорђевић, Марко Манчић, Збирка задатака из термодинамике, 2021, Факултета техничких наука у Косовској Митровици, ISBN 978-86-81656-21-1 (помоћни уџбеник).

Национални пројекти
  1. „Истраживање и развој енергетски и еколошки високоефективних система полигенерације заснованих на обновљивим изворима енергије“, научно– истраживачки пројекат ИИИ 42006, Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије, 2011–2019.
  2. „Полигенерација – фактор одрживог развоја“, Пројекат подстицања активности научних и стручних друштава које су у функцији унапређења научно- истраживачког рада, промоције и популаризације науке и технике, Центар за промоцију науке Републике Србије (Одлука Управног одбора Центра за промоцију науке број 338/12-1 од 10.05.2012. године);

Међународни пројекти
  1. CA20109  MODENERLANDS  -  Modular  Energy  Islands  for  Sustainability  and Resilience, COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), 2021- .